Want to change the world?
Julian’s voice is silent.
We have to do this; to SPEAK UP!
There are policies and organizations and programs and emails and posters and fundraisers and social media groups and lobbyists and days of recognition.
But bullying is more rampant than ever.
Where is the data? Well, when the data is corrupted then it can’t be used for the analysis. There will be more on that in coming sub-pages and links in the future, as this site will be updated frequently. For now, let’s assume that statement is at least minimally qualified.
If you have a child experiencing bullying, report it to the school as soon as possible. Even if that report isn’t being acted on, it creates a history for the offender.
Have an issue you need help with? Fill out this form and we’ll help you with what you need to do.
If you or someone you know is thinking about hurting themselves call 988
Obviously strength in numbers! I don’t think I’ve met anyone who could say they’ve never seen someone being bullied. I doubt any of them would say that the bullying they saw was justified and nobody should’ve spoken up. And I doubt anyone spoke up in those instances, for any one of a million different reasons I’ve used myself.
In this instance, you can help by being the voice that helps the others be heard. There will be a sub-page soon with links, but find your local school groups, ask friends with children in school, and support groups. standforthesilent.org may be a good one to start with.
I truly don’t know that yet, but that shouldn’t stop me. Quite honestly, even if something different happens here I think it’s likely to be cyclic. But then, even if it only helps one, it’s worth it, right?
Whether it’s a social media share, a web search, a guitar pick, a hallway conversation, or as-of-yet-unexplained forces, something brought you here today. Whatever it was, it connects you to Julian’s story.
First and foremost, if you’re thinking of hurting yourself
please call 988 as soon as possible.
Even if you already have called, or if you’ve already spoken with someone you know, or if you have a great support group, or if you’ve already told yourself you’ll do it later if things get worse.
Now that we’ve discussed that at least once, let me reiterate the importance of communication: it really can mean the difference between life and death. If you read those words and had any thoughts about hurting yourself, I’d like to ask again that you consider calling 988 or clicking one of the orange buttons on this page to take you to their site and request a chat. I know that Julian called at least once, but he never told me, it wasn’t known until after we lost him, and I can only say that he didn’t do it that day.
Considering you’re still reading at this point, let’s discuss what’s going to be able to be found or accomplished here: ANYTHING!
Julian’s story. That’s the overarching theme here, is what relates to good and bad things we can try to use and help others
Putting a stop to bullying. Public schools foster behaviors of society, and that’s where it happened to Julian, so that’s where I start
Mental Health. There has been a lot of work to de-stigmatize mental health as something to hide, and bring issues to light
Links to as many resources as we can find that anyone needs.
Back to that thing about what we aim to do here:
With all of the existing programs but this behavior still continuing, this can only happen with all of these hands working together. There seem to be several organizations doing very good work and we can work to make this better.
Take a look at the “Get Involved” page for a listing of other existing resources.
Contact Us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!